GVPA can now offer CE credits to NYS Psychologists

Listserv Guidelines

We hope our listserv will provide a convenient way to feel in touch with the GVPA community and facilitate using your colleagues as a resource for all things related to your practice of psychology—whatever stripe. You can unsubscribe at any time simply by clicking on the link at the bottom of any message you receive through the List.

We strongly encourage you to peruse the information below: FAQs, Statement of Purpose and Culture, and Listserv Etiquette. First are a few pieces of information to orient you to the list...

  • A "listserv" is a communal email group. Messages sent to the group (hosted by Google Groups) are automatically distributed to all members of the group. Only List members have access to your messages or can post to the list.
  • You are automatically enrolled in the listserv when you join GVPA and give us your email address, however you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link below.
  • This listserv is for GVPA members to communicate with each other.
  • The List is NOT "official" correspondence from GVPA to its members. Official correspondence will come from the email address: "GVPA" " or from individual Board members.
  • When you send a message to a listserv (GVPA-GROUP@GoogleGroups.com), it goes to everyone on the listserv. By default, when you reply to a listserv message, it goes to everyone on the listserv. You can reply directly to the author of a message by substituting their email address for the listserv address—though in most cases, what you have to say to the author might also be helpful to others, and we hope you will mostly reply to the List.
  • It is best to consider what you write as not being confidential, and you should apply your usual diligence in protecting your clients' confidentiality (e.g., omitting or changing identifying information). More sensitive discussions, when appropriate, are better conducted more directly (e.g., over the phone).
  • TOPICS: Anything that...
    • Is related to psychology or of potential interest to psychologists (including theoretical, clinical, philosophical, sociological, practical, or some political topics; articles, cartoons, book recommendations or reviews; etc.);
    • Enhances or facilitates our sense of community;
    • Requests input that would be of help to you in your practice, or to others (e.g., referral or other resources; information; clinical wisdom or experience; office space needed/available);
    • Is news (in general or your latest exploits, accomplishments, or upcoming events);
    • Serves to moderately promote your self/practice (e.g., starting a group, advertising specialized training or extracurricular activities like Community Theater, etc.), or
    • Anything you might say/ask at a social gathering of professionals (including non-psychology-related topics that you might share or discuss when spending time with colleagues).
  • "CULTURE" OF THE LISTSERV/BASIC ETIQUETTE: We want this to be a supportive and friendly venue, without too many rules, to promote communication and increase the experience of community. We try to remain open-minded and civil, and presume we are all persons of good will. As a matter of courtesy and utility, please use the Subject line thoughtfully (balancing specificity with brevity). Be pithy and try to keep to one topic in a single message. Unless otherwise requested, reply to the List rather than the specific author so that we can all benefit from the answer. Delete messages at will and feel free to "lurk" (i.e., read messages without contributing.) There is no reason for the List to become a burden.

If you have questions, write to the current listserv manager (taciannaindovina@gmail.com). I hope you will find this to be a warm, friendly and supportive resource.



A listserv (or “list”) is a means of distributing email among subscribers. Listservs are commonly formed to facilitate easy communication around a common interest. Every listserv has a “host” that handles and stores the emails or “posts.” The host of this listserv is Google, and technically this list is a Google Group with some restrictions imposed in order to create an email-based list.


The GVPA Listserv (aka, “the List”) was established to facilitate communication among GVPA members for all purposes related to being a psychologist—ranging from professional issues, finding referrals, request for or sharing of information or resources, social support, etc.—and in doing so, promote a sense of community and support while improving professional quality of life. Members may also share odds and ends that might be of interest to other members (e.g., a good movie, new restaurant, internet “find,” etc.)


Every message received through the listserv should have an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom. Simply click the link and send the email message that results. Alternatively, send an email to gvpa-group+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com or, according to Google, reply to an email from the List, with UNSUBSCRIBE as the subject of your message.


Listserv membership is open to GVPA members and all members are initially subscribed. If you are currently a GVPA member but have not been added to the list (or perhaps you removed yourself from the list), either send an email to the listserv manager (currently Tacianna Indovina, taciannaindovina) or to GVPA at geneseevalleypa@gmail.com, requesting to be put on the List.


Here are some guidelines that help to make a listserv useful without becoming burdensome. Please try to follow them closely.


Because this is a semi-private list and members may discuss things of a sensitive nature, knowing that they are communicating with other professionals, do not circulate messages outside of the List without permission of the author or authors included in the posting. Forwarding to a GVPA member who is not on the List is okay, if you expressly state that they should not forward the message to others. This is to make it safe to discuss real issues in a relaxed atmosphere with other professionals. That said, members should be aware that they do not have control over the message once it has been sent to the List.


Make them as specific but brief as possible. The goal is for List members to know at a glance whether they should read or delete it. So, “Referral needed” is helpful, but “Referral needed--neo-natal depression” or “…in Topeka KS” is much better.


With some email software, this is the same thing as “REPLY.” If that operation is not available and “REPLY” sends only to the author, use REPLY-TO-ALL. This is not hard and fast. You might want to reply only to the author of a post. But for the most part, others may have had the same question and benefit from your reply, or have something to add. As an author of a post, you may ask for “Back channel” responses (i.e., direct to the author, only) if it seems appropriate, but the same considerations apply. If you get a lot of back-channel replies to a request for resources, you might consider compiling them into a list and posting it.


Delete at will !“Lurking” (reading without ever responding) is perfectly acceptable—although we’d like you to feel free to contribute. Often a listserv will have a number of frequent contributors, a number of occasional posters, and many who read without posting. If you have something to add or ask please don’t be shy!



We have created this listserv so that GVPA members can more fully and easily utilize the collective knowledge and wisdom of each other; to be an all purpose source of information and consultation; to offer an easy way to be and feel in contact with the community of psychologists—in short to act as both instrumental and social support to improve the quality of our professional lives and our lives in general. We hope that through the listserv will have a sense of being in contact with each other, and have a place to turn when in need of an opinion, information, solace, or a place to crow.


We would like to keep this as open and flexible as possible, so we are trying this with an absolute minimum of formal rules. Rather, imagine that you are at a casual gathering of professional colleagues. You might mention an interesting article; seek an opinion or resources regarding something in your professional life; engage in a theoretical discussion; disagree agreeably about someone else’s opinion; mention that you will be giving a talk or have just published a book; tell people about a fundraising effort for a worthy cause; talk about a GVPA event; let people know you have or need office space to rent; tell a joke or anecdote; or even show a picture of your newborn or new boat.

You would not show 20 pictures of all your grandchildren and all their excellent artwork; repeatedly try to sell a product; engage in personal attacks, aggressive argument, or talk trash. Where politics or other social issues are concerned, you would use your judgment and tend to bring such things up as they are relevant to your professional and (psychological) intellectual interests—but you would do so with a sensitivity to others’ beliefs and feelings.